A Hood Chick's Story pt. 3: The Final Chapter Read online

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  “Oh, well no need to explain anything to me.” I said keeping it one hundred as usual. I didn’t care if he came up there driving a bucket, he wasn’t my man.

  I pointed to the repair area door. “Your homeboy is back there checking out my car right now, I’m hoping not too much is wrong with it.” I said.

  He peeked through the square window on the door to the repair room. “It don’t matter what’s wrong, he’s my man. You’ll get the hook up regardless.” He said.

  I smiled, “thank you so much, I appreciate this.”

  Paul sat next to me and we chatted during our wait. Paul was cool as shit. He made me feel comfortable talking to him and I loved his personality. Something about him made me second guess him, though. He was just too good to be true. He said all the right things and the way he explained it, his life was full of tragedy and triumph and he came out on top. It seemed as if he kept trying to convince me that he had this thug life past and I could care less about it. I wanted to know who he was presently.

  His friend came out wiping oil off his hands with a dingy cloth.

  “We just have to replace your oxygen sensor, everything else looks fine.” He said.

  “You hooking it up right?” Paul asked him.

  He gave him an odd look and then looked at me. “Yeah I’ll take care of her.” He said.

  “Aiight, that’s a bet.” Paul said to his friend. The words ‘that’s a bet’ was another phrase I heard niggas in the DMV saying a lot. Their accents and slang killed me but I was so appreciative of the hook up and I kept thanking Paul.

  “I’ll be done in about ten minutes.” He said.

  I sat back in my chair and pulled out my phone to check on Shayonna. Dozens of missed calls from Ebony showed up on my screen. Chatting so hard with Paul, I hadn’t realized that my phone was vibrating in my purse. Suddenly it vibrated in my hand just before I was about to call her back. “Hello?” I answered.

  “T, I’ve been calling you like crazy.” She said in a panicky tone.

  “What’s up? Is Shayonna okay?” I asked. I couldn’t think of anything else to make her call me in such a panic.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this.” She let out a heavy breath.

  “What!” I asked rushing her along.

  “Tony’s been shot, he’s at Brigham and Women’s Hospital right now. His boy Cat was shot too, but he didn’t make it.” She revealed sadly.

  My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was about to pass out or have a heart attack. The news about Cat had really affected me. I couldn’t believe another homey was gone; he was one of Tony’s closest friends.

  “Hello? Hello Tiara?” Ebony kept shouting. But I had shut down. I’d been delivered this type of news too many times and you could never prepare yourself for it. I wasn’t sure about the extent of Tony’s wounds and I was too scared to ask for fear of hearing Eb tell me that they were potentially fatal. I placed my hand on my head and shut my eyes. It was like déjà vu. I was convinced that the drama was going to follow me wherever I went.

  I didn’t mean to hang up on Ebony, but I did. I tossed my phone into my purse and hoped that my car was finished.

  “You okay?” Paul asked.

  “No, I’m not.” I said zoning out.

  His friend walked out of the repair room and let me know that I was all set.

  Paul’s face read concern as he watched me tune him out. “You seem like you gotta go, so go ahead and leave. I’ll pay for your car.”

  “I can’t let you do that Paul.”

  “Listen beautiful, whatever I can do for you, I’m here.” He said.

  I rushed out to my car and jumped in when I realized that I didn’t have the keys. His friend rushed to the driver’s side and handed me my keys.

  “Be careful.” He said handing me my keys.

  “Thanks, I said.”

  “No, I mean it.” He stated firmly as if he was sending me another warning. I was too zoned out to dwell on him. I had to go. I called up Aunty and asked if it was okay for Shayonna to stay with her since Ebony told me that Smitty had gotten locked up and was likely to be gone for a while.

  I caught the first flight I could book back to Boston. I rented a car from Logan Airport and sped straight up to Brigham and Women’s Hospital. I had to find out for myself just what the extent of Tony’s injuries was. I hoped he was okay.

  Chapter 6

  My heart beat like shit as I entered the hospital room. None of his family or friends was there and I was glad because I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. Tony’s eyes were closed and his right leg was bandaged up. An IV pierced his left arm and I was terrified to see what was under his hospital robe. Judging from the bulge in his mid-section it appeared that his stomach may have been patched up.

  “Tony?” I whispered, but I got no reply. My eyes glossed, I was scared as shit.

  “Tony?” I called out in a louder whisper.

  Slowly he opened his eyes and shifted his head back as if he had seen a ghost.

  I wanted to hug him. Kiss him even, but I held back. This was not how I ever wanted to have our first meeting after leaving him. It hurt my heart to see him lying in a hospital bed.

  “Where is Shayonna?” he asked.

  “She’s with your Aunty in DC.” I said.

  “With my aunt in DC? Is that where you moved to?” he quizzed.

  I turned away, I didn’t mean to reveal my whereabouts but the cat was now out of the bag.

  He nodded and huffed. “You took my daughter away from me and moved to DC, huh?” His eyes demanded an answer.

  “Tony, I just came here to see if you were okay. Now that I know that you are, I’m leaving.” I turned to walk away but he reached out and grabbed my hand. I noticed his eyes watering. “Tiara?” he called out, his eyes were watery and fragile. “Can you come to the funeral with me?” he asked. He held his stomach with his other arm and he winced in pain. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Seeing him hurting was kicking my ass. I still adored Tony and although he put me through all that bullshit, I was definitely going to play my part in helping him get through the loss of his friend.

  I exhaled. “Yeah, I’ll go.” I said.

  He let go of my hand and scoped me out. “Damn, look like you got a little thick, I like it.” He said.

  I smiled, “Leave me alone, Tony.”

  Then he broke his smile, “I hope you ain’t letting none of them DC niggas beat it from the back. Half them niggas down there are gay anyway.”

  I sucked my teeth, “Whatever Tony.” I waved my hand dismissing him.

  “Who are YOU out here dating?” I quizzed him back. “I hope you ain’t messing with none of my ex friends or no one I know.”

  “Man, Cat was fuckin’ with Karen so you might see all them birds at the funeral.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh boy.” I said nodding and thinking about seeing my shady ex friends.

  “But you don’t gotta worry about a nigga like me EVER touching any of them sluts.” He said disgusted.

  “Oh please, you like sluts.” I teased.

  “Fuck a slut, I like you.” He said looking in my eyes. “No, I love you.” He stated.

  I broke eye contact and attempted to change the subject. I couldn’t believe he still found a way to keep butterflies in my stomach.

  “Anyway, what happened? Who did this?” I asked concerned.

  “Niggas know it was me that did that shit to Shawn, some of his cousins ran up on me and Cat down Dudley. I got popped in my leg and one of the bullets grazed my stomach.”

  I shook my head and turned away. The situation with Shawn was ultra-sensitive to me. I kinda knew that what Tony did to him would catch up to him some way, somehow. What Shawn did to my baby was unforgiveable and Tony couldn’t have lived with himself if he didn’t do something to Shawn.

  “Don’t trip though.” He said. “I ain’t worried about it. Cat’s cousins came up here from New York and cleaned them niggas up so they are no longer
an issue.” He explained as a satisfied look crossed his face.

  “I mean, it ain’t like you would’ve cared if I lived or died anyway.” He said looking for sympathy.

  “Tony please don’t start. I left you for a reason. I don’t need to explain it because you deserved every piece of pain you felt from me leaving.”

  He put his head down. “You’re right, but you leaving me damaged a nigga’s insides. Not a bullet wound in the world could compare to the pain I felt from you leaving me. Leaving a nigga like you did would wake any nigga up. I’m a changed man.” He said.

  “I’ve heard that before.” I dismissed. “Anyway Tony, I’m staying at a hotel in Quincy. I’ll stay here for the funeral. After that, I’m heading back.” I said.

  I picked up his jeans and got his cell phone out of his pocket. I placed my new number in it.

  “Call me if you need me.” I said walking out of the hospital room.

  On my way to the elevator, I spotted a familiar face in the hospital hallway.

  “Ms. Turner?” I asked. She was leaning against the wall crying next to room 339.

  “Oh my word, Tiara?” she asked. It was my old friend Shavon’s mom. Shavon was one of my main chicks back in the day. She had my back to the death. After she came up on some money, she left the hood and never even contacted me or any of the girls to tell us her whereabouts. That shit hurt me and I took it personal, but I had still missed her.

  “How’s Shavon?” I asked. I had always remembered Ms. Turner being cracked out and never in Shavon’s life so I hoped that she could provide me with some info to find her. Suddenly she started bawling on my shoulders. I was confused. “What’s wrong?” I asked rubbing her back.

  “My baby’s not doing well.” She cried.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I asked confused.

  She withdrew from our embrace and pointed into room 339. “Go on inside, she’s in there.” She whispered.

  I walked into the room, not expecting my old friend to be lying in the hospital bed with a tube in her nose and IVs in her arms. Her hair was bald with hints of hair in small patches and you could no longer see her eyebrows.

  I covered my mouth with my hands and as tears filled my eyes. “Shavonnnnn!” I cried out.

  Her mom crept in behind me. “She has cancer, my baby is dying.” She said bluntly.

  I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Shavon was always a big girl but now she appeared to be 115 pounds at the most. She was totally unrecognizable.

  “How long has she been like this?” I asked.

  “She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two months ago. As soon as she called and told me about her diagnosis, I made her move back to Boston to start chemo and radiation. The cancer was caught too late for surgery to be an option. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive and deadly cancers. Right now, all we can do is keep her comfortable and pray. She is in God’s hands now.”

  “Can she hear me?” I asked staring at my old roll dog.

  “I don’t know.” Her mother said.

  I bent to whisper in her ear. “Shavon, it’s me Tiara.” I cried. “Man I missed your ass sooooo much.” I took in a deep breath followed by a long cry. “You were one of my best friends back in the day, you always had my back and I had yours.” I sniffed. “Man, I wish that we could be reuniting under different circumstances. But just like back in the days, I’m here for you, no matter what.” I kissed her cheek and then noticed a tear fall from one of her eyes. I smiled through my heartache. The tear was confirmation that she heard me. “DPG for life baby, get better soon. I’ll be waiting for you to visit me in VA. We are going to kick it just like old times.” I said smiling.

  I had her mom store my phone number into her cell phone and then I lifted one of Shavons hands and kissed it. “Be strong Shavon, you can beat this.”

  A manly looking chick rushed into the room.

  “Tiara, this is Shavon’s girlfriend Teena. Teena this was one of Shavon’s best friends, Tiara.”

  The butch chick smiled and shook my hands with both of hers. “Tiara, I heard so much about you, she really missed you. She talked about you all the time.” She said.

  “Thank you, I missed her too.” I said looking over and staring at my old friend. Then I looked back at Teena. I couldn’t believe that the rumors were true. Shavon really switched teams and had an actual girlfriend. I wasn’t in there to judge her, I just wanted her to get better. It hurt too bad looking at her in that state.

  “Well I have to go, promise me you’ll keep me posted on her progress.” I told her mom.

  “I sure will.” She said.

  “Good bye, I love you.” I said kissing Shavon’s cheek.

  Chapter 7

  The funeral was a HOT ghetto mess. Karen sat in the front pew with Cat’s family and Ke-Ke and Renee were in the pew behind them. Karen kept screaming “Nooooo, nooo, take me with you Cat, noooo!!!!” she was being so dramatic, I couldn’t take it. Apparently Cat’s sister couldn’t either. When Karen stood over the casket trying to crawl inside screaming, “Catttt, I love youuuu, I want to go with you. I can’t live without you, please wake up Cat pleasseee!!!” His sister shouted, “Can somebody shut this bitch the fuck up?”

  Karen’s screams came to a screeching halt and she turned to confront Cat’s sister. My down ass bitches Ke-Ke and Renee turned to face Cat’s sister as well. No matter what we went through, my girls always stuck together. “Bitch, this is not the time or the place for you to pop off with me, trust that! My man just died and you’re being disrespectful, bitch! I got something for you outside.” Commotion erupted and Ke-Ke and Renee stood up arguing with Cat’s sister and her girlfriends that surrounded her.

  Cat’s grieving mom stood up and she looked pissed.

  “Enough! My son is up there laying in a casket, and y’all out here arguing. You all better show some respect! Now Karen you stop all that noise! Don’t you see my son is gone? My son is gonnnne!” She cried loudly before fainting into her husband’s arms. Cat’s family members rushed to her aid, fanning her face.

  I rolled Tony up to the casket in his wheelchair once the commotion died down. It seemed like everyone from the hood that we knew was at the funeral and all eyes were glued on us as I rolled him up to view the body. I saw Karen, Ke-Ke and Renee whispering to each other but they avoided eye contact with me.

  After the funeral, the teary eyed guests were exiting the funeral home and I stood to the side as Tony chatted with Cat’s family about what happened that night. Tony’s mom and dad wanted to know who did it but of course, Tony would never reveal that information.

  Karen, Ke-Ke and Renee stood together whispering to each other. They didn’t seem to know how to approach me. I saw them just standing there from the corner of my eyes. Finally they were courageous enough to come forward.

  “Hey T.” Renee said hesitantly. The last time I talked to that bitch I cussed her the fuck out for lying to me. She lied about being in an abusive relationship with this nigga. When I saw the scars on her, I got niggas after his ass when in actuality he was really her pimp and hitting her was the norm. I was done with getting in the middle of her shit. She did however look cleaned up. She had her hair pinned up in a neat bun and her body was on point in her black fitted dress.

  “What up.” I said nonchalantly. I scoped them all out. Them bitches had done me so greasy, but we been through so much and I always missed them every time I saw them.

  “You heard about Shavon?” Ke-Ke asked.

  “Yeah, I saw her at the hospital a few days ago.” I said.

  “Her condition had us all fucked up.” Renee said.

  “You look good Tiara.” She let out. “Yeah you do.” Both Karen and Ke-Ke both said in unison. I tried to swallow down all the resentment that I had toward them. I just kept thinking about how better my life was in VA. Holding a grudge against them wasn’t helping me get ahead. I had missed them and the bond that we shared, but that was as far as it was going. As much
as I loved them, I couldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them. I didn’t ask them any questions so they began offering information.

  “Me and Karen live together. We share a one bedroom spot in Lowell.” Ke-Ke began. “Cat was moving her out next month because I’m pregnant with Jerry’s baby,” she said rubbing her hand over her pudgy belly. “We were gonna start all over and raise our baby together.” I immediately frowned. That nigga Jerry fucked up the property that I provided for Ke-Ke and Karen to share. That nigga was jealous and crazy as fuck, now this bitch Ke-Ke had fucked around and got pregnant with the niggas baby?