A Hood Chick's Story pt. 3: The Final Chapter Page 4
“No, I got it!” I said trying to boss the situation. I had five bags in each hand so that I didn’t have to make a second trip to the car. Suddenly, a gallon of milk escaped the bottom of one of the bags and tumbled onto the grass.
He chuckled. “Listen, I can’t sit here and let you struggle with these bags when I can take them up to your porch for you.”
I put all of the bags down to catch my breath. I was definitely taking him up on his offer because I had about seven stairs to climb to reach my front door.
I scoped him out. He had light brown eyes, fine curls at the top of his fade and a gleaming smile. His paint stained white tee and blue jeans were actually sexy on him. He had that tough guy swag but at the end of the day, he was a painter. I mean, I’m no gold digger but getting with a painter was not the move. He picked up the milk and actually swiped all of the bags up with one hand. His muscles peeked out of his white tee as he headed up the stairs. He was the sexiest painter that I’d ever seen.
He placed the bags in front of my door and extended his arm to me. “I’m Paul. What’s your name, beautiful?”
At first I was going to lie to him but I figured, why lie? No one in the city knew me, I wasn’t in Boston and he wasn’t one of my brother’s enemies. I felt free, so I told him the truth.
“I’m Tiara, nice to meet you.”
“Well hey, take my number, I would love to take you out.”
I smiled, “That’s sounds good, but I’m all set.”
“Well damn, you just straight shot a nigga down. I’m heartbroken.” He put his hand over his sexy chest.
I laughed. “No, nothing like that, I’m just not ready to date. I just moved out here and I’m just trying to settle in.” I explained.
“No, I understand.” He said.
“Where are you from?” he asked.
He looked at me funny. “There are black people in Boston?”
I jokingly opened my mouth as if he had just offended me. “No you didn’t.” I said.
“I’m just messing with you.” He teased.
I peeked over at the paint crew and they seemed to be waiting on him. “I see your co-workers over there looking like they need you to get back to work, so thank you for helping me out. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
Paul glanced back at his co-workers and waved them off, “they’ll be aiight.” He said.
I turned to open up my door and one of his co-workers called out for him.
“Ok, I’m about to get back to work before I have to cuss one of these Mexican niggas out. But, I would love to take you out.”
I laughed, “Yeah, you better go before they come over here and jump you.” I joked.
I think Paul may have guessed that I turned him down because of his job as a painter because he decided to explain himself once he saw that I wasn’t interested. He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his number down. “Don’t let this job fool you hun. I drive a Range Rover and I got a huge five bedroom in Upper Marlboro.”
I smiled. “That’s what’s up, I’m impressed.” I said.
“Don’t be impressed, I just know how to grind. I used to be in the game years back, but I made good investments with my money. Now I’m a hard working man.” He licked his lips and smiled, “we’ll get to all the small talk in our first phone conversation because you are going to call me… right?” He asked, smiling confidently.
I stuffed the number into the back of my jean pocket. “We’ll see.” I told him.
“Well that’s good enough for me.” He licked his lips again, his thick lips had me open. “Looking forward to talking to you, beautiful.”
I sized him up. He had that Idris Elba swag. He was extraordinarily handsome and I now looked at him in a different light. I was actually impressed with the fact that he was an honest working dude. The drug dealer thing was old to me. I wasn’t no little girl anymore, an honest man was more attractive to me, I needed to be with a man who brought in that legal money.
I drug all the bags into the kitchen and started unloading the food. I heard a knock at the door and remembered that Ebony was stopping by. Eb knew my work schedule, so on my days off she would stop by to keep me company. This time, she brought her friend Sheena with her.
Sheena came in and stood against the kitchen wall with her arms folded staring at me as I unloaded my groceries.
“This is Tiara?” She asked in a surprised tone.
“Yeah, this is my cousin.” Ebony said.
She scanned me with her eyes and I put the last soda in the fridge and looked at her with the I will fuck you up look.
“Nah I’m just saying, the way you described her and how heavy she was in the streets, I thought that I was gonna meet a butch type chick.”
I took a deep breath because this bitch was about to catch it. I saw Ebony buck her eyes because she knew how I was. But Sheena quickly redeemed herself, or at least tried.
“I mean, she’s pretty as shit. I thought she was gonna have a hard look to her but she is beautiful! I can’t see her fighting and being a crazy hood chick like you described.”
My screw face was on one hundred at that point.
Ebony interrupted and it was a good thing she did because Sheena’s way of redeeming herself was half ass. I didn’t like the bitch right away and she would’ve caught one if I was still on that shit. It took everything in me not to knock her fat ass out. She reminded me of Jennifer Hudson, just a sloppier prissy version.
“Yeah I told you she was pretty. She’s just the type that don’t take no shit, period.” Ebony explained.
Sheena smiled. “Well Tiara, I have to respect it. Ebony told me that you are an all-around real chick and that’s the only type of female to be around. There aren’t many real chicks left out in the world.”
I couldn’t pull myself together to accept her so-called compliment. I wasn’t digging her vibe, but I didn’t want to be a full bitch. So I just stared at her with my arms folded as I leaned against the kitchen sink.
“I’m Sheena.” She smiled. “Welcome to DC girl. I grew up in Southeast so you already know we can relate. I’m straight out of the hood.”
She was so wack to me. Hood chicks didn’t brag about being hood chicks. I mean half of the bitches from the hood wanted to move out. When chicks tried to brag about being from the hood, to me, it just meant that they wished they were. I’m sure this bitch didn’t know what struggling was. Being from the hood ain’t just about fighting and being on top, it’s about surviving. Judging from the gear this bitch Sheena was rocking, and her white girl/black girl persona, her ass didn’t know shit about the hood.
I stayed planted against the counter with my screw face intact. Sheena played it smooth and acted as if she wasn’t aware that I was ignoring her ass as she looked around. She noticed my Mac computer on in the living room and asked me if she could use it to check her Facebook page. I nodded and told her to go ahead. In fact, I needed her out of my face because I only had rude words forming in my mouth.
Ebony walked over and stood beside me. “Don’t mind her T. She’s actually a doll once you get to know her.”
“She ain’t my kinda chick boo. I’m good on trying to get to know her. I can already see that I won’t like her.” I said.
“Well we just stopped by for a sec. We are going to the waterfront in DC. When you find a sitter for Shayonna, I definitely want to take you there. It’s time for you to meet yourself a man.”
I smirked, “girl, please.”
“No seriously, listen you need to start dating, T. Your life is only working and spending time with Shayonna. You need some fun in your life. I know this is different from being in the hood and you’re adjusting but you need to get out there girl.”
"No I don't. If I could wait for Tony for three years when he was locked up and remain by myself, then I know I’m really not missing anything."
"Um, yeah you are. You were waiting for someone to get out of jail back then, now you have no one to wai
t on. You ain’t with Tony no more. You are just depriving yourself of finding a man."
I wanted to spit words back at her but she actually made sense. I literally had to fall back and think about what she was saying. What was it that I was waiting on? I was a single mom, free to mingle. Tony and I were over. I was free to do what I wanted, but for some reason I just felt like I wasn’t ready.
I did want more kids in the future and it would be great to eventually have a male fixture around the house to help me raise Shayonna. But it was still hard for me to grasp the fact that I would be dating someone besides Tony. However, it was time to get over it. If I had enough courage to leave him, then I have it in me to move on.
I peeked out the window and spotted the paint crew walking by my house.
“Eb come here. Look.” I said pointing at Paul. “That’s the dude who tried to holla at me today.”
“Mmm. He’s dope girl!” Ebony seemed to be undressing him with her eyes. “And look at his body, that nigga look like he stay at the gym. He is yummy.” She said.
“Yeah but-.” I started.
“But what?” she asked rolling her eyes. “Isn’t this nigga delicious looking?” she pointed.
“Oh yeah, he’s cute. Matter fact, he’s fly as shit.” I confessed.
“So what’s the problem?” she asked.
“The problem is that he’s a painter.”
Ebony broke out of her trance. “Eww, yes that is a problem.” she said frowning.
“I mean, I know I’m not one to judge. Tony was a drug dealer when I first met him, but then he developed his mortgage company and became successful at it. I got used to corporate money. You know I’m used to living a certain way.”
“I mean I feel you T, I only date niggas that’s doing better than me. But maybe you need to just break the ice with him. Use him to get your feet wet and get yourself back in the game. You deserve it.” She said.
I stared out at Paul. He was now halfway down the street, muscles rippling as he carried his brushes and paint gear. I reached in my back pocket and pulled out his number and stared at it. I just may use it and get acquainted with him. But with new niggas come new drama. That shit always exists somewhere.
Chapter 5
“Shayonna hurry up before we be late.” I yelled up the stairs.
“I’m coming Mommy.” She said stepping down the stairs slowly. Shayonna was taking her time as if she didn’t want to go to school. During the ride, she was whining about some little boy named Tyrone in her classroom who frequently bothered her. She said that he sat in the desk right beside her and he constantly picked on her. I grabbed her backpack and took out her homework folder and scribbled a quick note to her teacher asking to have his seat changed. My daughter loved her new school and I didn’t want that little brat ruining her learning experience.
I turned the car radio down and explained to Shayonna that little boys often picked on little girls because they liked them. She made the cutest face and said “eww, boys are disgusting!” I chuckled as I pulled up to the front of her school.
“See you later baby. Have a good day.” I said. The chaperone opened my car door and took Shayonna up to the school entrance.
I wasn’t far from Shayonna’s school when I heard a small sound alerting me of a problem in my car. “Beep! Beep!”… Then the check engine icon appeared on my dash board.
“Shit!” I snapped. It immediately threw my day off. I was totally oblivious to car maintenance; Tony always handled the man shit. I banged my fist against the steering wheel out of frustration because I knew that it was on me to figure it all out. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and decided that I wouldn’t trip too much. Then I pondered on calling Paul. I figured it was sort of an excuse to call him because otherwise, knowing me, his number would eventually be thrown away. I found his number crumpled up in my purse and I sent him a text message asking him to call me. He replied back with a smiley face and said that he’d call me on his break and expressed how happy he was to hear from me.
I headed to work hoping that my car wouldn’t conk out on my way there. Thank God I made it into work without any issues. I took off my jacket and went on with my day. It wasn’t that busy in the office and my day was going pretty decent. I had forgotten about the car issue until I received a call from Paul. Unfortunately, I had to send him to voicemail because I was in the middle of showing potential renters the model unit. I led the young black couple outside to show them the playground area when I noticed Paul’s paint crew working on the townhouse right beside the rental office. I decided to rush the potential renters along so that I could catch up with him.
“If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. My name is Tiara James, here is my card.” I handed the couple my business card and hoped that they rented from us. I made great commission off of the renters I brought in.
The duo smiled and said they’d be in touch. I ran inside to grab my purse and let my co-worker know that I was running next door. Once I reached the paint crew, I noticed that Paul wasn’t among the bunch. There were only a few eateries nearby, so I figured he’d either gone to dine in one of them or that he was eating some take-out somewhere around the property as I often noticed the painters doing.
“If you’re looking for Paul, he’s two houses down eating on the porch.” A young blonde guy shouted from the ladder.
“Thanks.” I said heading in the direction he pointed in. I spotted Paul sitting on the fourth step of one of the newer townhomes eating some Subway. “Hey there.” I said as I walked up one stair and leaned against the banister.
He chewed the piece of sandwich he had in his mouth and then wiped it with a napkin.
“Hey beautiful.” He greeted with that charming smile.
“I’m sorry to bother you on your lunch break, but I need help. You know I’m new around here and my check engine light just came on today. I haven’t the slightest clue on where to go to have it looked at.”
He smiled. “Ooooh, so I get called when you need something huh? Not because you want to get to know me.”
I smiled in embarrassment, “nooo, it’s not like that.” I began explaining. He was right, but I didn’t want him to feel used. “You just seem to be familiar with the area. Look, I just need a referral.”
He smiled, “I’m joking with you, I know a few mechanics in the area really well. I could meet you at the one my man works at to help work out a deal for you. When you trying to get it done?” he asked.
“As soon as possible.” I said hoping that he was free soon.
“You got it. I’ll give him a call and set something up for you ASAP. If he can’t do it today, maybe sometime this week we could both meet up at the shop on our lunch breaks or after work if needed.”
It felt funny hearing him say “lunch break”. I wasn’t used to a working man. Tony was always hustling so he made his own schedule. Even when we had our real estate company, we did as we pleased. I would have to get used to this working nigga situation.
I headed back to work and received a text message from Paul at the end of my shift. He sent an address to a mechanic shop that wasn’t far from where I lived. He said if I could get there within the next hour that he’d meet me there. I quickly arranged for Ebony to pick Shayonna up from her after school program and headed to the shop.
I carefully pulled my car into the repair area and walked inside. A nigga who was black as midnight with the most fucked up teeth I’ve ever seen approached me. “Hey what’s up, are you the girl Paul sent up here?” he asked.
“Yes I’m Tiara.” I revealed.
“Alright, I’m going to do a diagnostic check to see what the problem is and then I’ll give you a quote.”
“Ok.” I said taking a seat in front of the large window in the shop’s waiting room.
Before his friend went back into the repair area, he turned back. “Hey, are you and Paul friends or is that your man?” He asked.
“Oh no. We are just friends.” I said wi
shing that the nigga would mind his own business.
“Oh aiight.” He said appearing relieved.
I was a bit puzzled. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to warn me or if he really just wanted to know what kind of relationship we had, but his face looked a little shady.
I happened to peek down the street and noticed Paul arriving in a broke down hoopty. It was like an old Hyundai or something. What the fuck? I thought to myself, and almost said it out loud. I shifted back in my seat before he could see me but I think he must’ve peeped me because as soon as he got into the shop, he immediately tried to defend the hoopty.
“Hey beautiful, sorry I’m late.” He said. Then he nodded. “My cousin wanted to use my Range Rover to take his date out, so I got stuck driving his hoopty.”